Release Summary – June 2022

Highly personalized interactions across both live and digital experiences have become the new face of events. Event Managers need new tools to engage with their communities in this increasingly hybrid world. Discover the latest updates from Jomablue’s June release and empower your teams to deliver better experiences, more easily.   NEW: Jomablue CX – Event Check-in App Fast, streamlined, impressive event arrival is easy to manage with Jomablue CX Check-in App. Event teams can deliver check-in and badging with just the App, an iPad or iPhone, and a printer.  Jomablue CX is free from the App Store and empowers event teams to:
  • Quickly and easily manage arrival yourself for events of any style or size.
  • Deliver a lightning-fast arrival experience.
  • Choose which style of badge is most suitable for every event: Badgeless, Name Label, or Name Badge.
  • Become truly mobile delivering events anywhere in the world with online and offline modes.
  NEW: Embed Jomablue Live Streams on other sites. Share a live stream however and wherever you want.
  • Embed a live stream on any web page with just a few clicks.
  • Simply copy and paste the code provided into webpages or intranets for fast, reliable streaming to anywhere in the world.
  • Choose to broadcast company announcements, press releases, and award presentations from a professional provider, removing the reliance on inferior web conferencing tools.
  IMPROVED: Community Dashboard Display
  • Virtual event data displays on a Community Dashboard. The dashboard shows event interactions such as pages viewed over time and video plays. 
  • The benefit of this feature is to access real-time information and share data with stakeholders.
  • This month, the dashboard has become more responsive to mobile. The way widgets display on small screens has been refined, making it easier to view data on the go.
  NEW: Placeholder View: Canvas Image Specs  When building virtual event pages on a Canvas, there is an option to ‘show image placeholders’. 
  • This view displays the image specs required for content placed onto that canvas. 
  • Designers use that information to more quickly and easily understand image requirements.