Introducing Experience Ratings.

Build event pages with the help of configuration alerts

It takes a lot of video files, articles, live stream presentations, and brand images to bring together a professional and engaging virtual event. At Jomablue we want to make the process of building virtual event pages as simple and effective as possible. That is why we developed canvas Experience Ratings. 

How does it work?

As you build virtual event pages Jomablue reviews the required settings and provides tips and tricks to ensure the best viewer experience. If page configuration is incomplete, or settings are incorrect a built-in warning will appear alerting you that something needs attention.

The alerts are accompanied by solution fields so you can quickly and easily address any concerns. The result? Virtual event pages display as expected and provide a great experience for viewers. 

In fact, every time something is uploaded or configured in Jomablue the experience is automatically analyzed for completeness and accuracy. This includes:

– Video file uploads
– Live stream settings
– Content reveal times
– Image files
– Engagement tools such as Q&A, Chat, and Networking 

There are over 30 content blocks to choose from in Jomablue. As you can imagine if any one of these settings is incomplete or incorrect it could have a big impact on a viewer’s experience.

Why is that helpful for event professionals?

Organizers invest considerable time and resources to create content for virtual events. We take the responsibility of communicating that content seriously.

Experience ratings support event professionals in the following ways:

  • They make the process of building event pages in Jomablue quicker and easier. If one of the settings is missed or incomplete a flag immediately appears to alert content managers that something isn’t quite right.
  • Built-in notifications reduce reliance on support articles. Alerts are located next to the content block where the error lies. Page designers simply navigate to the alert and follow the instructions that explain the issue and how to fix it.
  • Large events are made up of thousands of content blocks across hundreds of pages. Experience ratings safeguard the professionalism of every experience across an event site.  

Virtual experiences are filling event calendars for 2022. Jomablue’s leading platform supports event organizers in the creation of professional and engaging events that will captivate audiences and achieve business goals.

For more information about how Jomablue virtual event tools will enhance your online experiences speak to our team.